Tennis Bracelet


Tennis Bracelet

Tennis Bracelet

A item of jewellery known as a tennis bracelet has a single row of diamonds or other jewels that have each been placed separately. Usually, the bracelet has a flexible band comprised of a number of tiny links that allows it to curve around the wrist. The most common materials used to create tennis bracelets are precious metals like gold, silver, or platinum.

At the 1987 U.S. Open event, a famous tennis incident gave rise to the term "tennis bracelet." Chris Evert, a top-ranked tennis player, dropped her diamond bracelet on the court accidently during a match, forcing a brief halt in play as she looked for and retrieved the bracelet. After that, the design was referred to as a "tennis bracelet."

Tennis bracelets are a timeless, classy accessory that look great with both casual and formal outfits. During significant occasions like weddings, anniversaries, and graduations, they are frequently presented as gifts.

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