Tennis Necklaces


Tennis Necklaces

4 Prong Setting Diamond Necklace
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4 Prong Setting Diamond Necklace
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4 Prong Setting Diamond Necklace
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Tennis Necklace

A tennis necklace is a particular style of diamond necklace that consists of one or two rows of tiny, identically cut diamonds or other jewels that are strung together in a straight line.The name "tennis necklace" originated from an incident at the 1987 US Open tennis tournament,when Chris Evert, a renowned tennis player, lost his diamond bracelet in the middle of a game. The form of necklace was then referred to as a "tennis necklace" after she put out the fire until the bracelet was located. The diamond tennis necklace is a similarly stunning variation of the "tennis" series, however it is not frequently praised as loudly as this renowned piece. Because it is ideally the companion piece to a diamond tennis bracelet, it is commonly referred to as the "diamond tennis necklace." It is a diamond line necklace, to put it another way. The diamond line necklaces were renamed at the same time as the bracelets. Tennis necklaces are now highly prized artefacts that are associated with the finest elegance and craftsmanship.Tennis necklaces come in a range of lengths and designs, and they are frequently worn as a statement piece of jewellery or for formal occasions.

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